Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Thursday, May 01, 2008

New Do and How Dare You Lady

Gigi sporting her new do...no more mullet in the back

Today my mom and I took Gi in for her second professional haircut at Cartoon Cuts. She did great! No crying or whining. Gi sat on my lap with a little grimace on her face and grudgingly allowed the hairdresser to cut her tresses. Her attention is mostly on the Dora cartoon playing in front of her. Then it was Mommy's turn to have her lifeless hair reshaped. I tell my mom to hold Gi while I head over to the hairwashing area. THIS IS WHERE THE MELTDOWN BEGINS. Gi first fusses a bit. So I instruct my mom to strap her in the stroller and take her for a stroll around the mall. Gi decides that it was time to open her lungs and start to cry (more like screech) uncontrollably. My mom, who can not bear to hear her granddaughter cry, immediately brings her back into the salon hoping that the sight of me close by would soothe Gi. That was not to be. Now Gi is demanding that I hold her. I would if I wasn't in a horizontal position with soapy suds all over my head and water dripping down my back. The poor hairdresser stumbles off to get Gi a toy to play with. Upon being handed the toy, Gi throws it angrily onto the floor and continues to wail. By this time, my flustered mom takes Gi out of the stroller and tries to console her to no avail. Out of the corner of my eye I notice an elderly woman get off her cell phone and walk over to me. I see her mouth moving but can't quite tell what she is saying. As she gets closer I realize that she is informing me that my daughter's crying is beginning to upset her little granddaughter who was getting her haircut across the room. I guess my protective motherly instincts kicked in. Our exchange goes something like this:

Elderly woman: Her crying (pointing to Gi) is really beginning to upset her (meaning her granddaughter)

Me: Well, my daughter is upset too. Are you the owner of the salon? (I knew that she wasn't).

EW: No. What can you do to help her to calm down because it's really beginning to upset my granddaughter?"

Me: I've asked my mom to take her for a stroll.

EW: Well, why is she so upset?

Me: Because she is not within sight of me. I apologize but you should show some understanding. This is a kid's salon after all.

EW (after getting a better look at Gi's face): Why she's a doll. So adorable! Can I help in anyway? (she said this in a fake sugary way as if I was going to believe that a complete stranger would be able to calm my sobbing daughter down).

In a goodwill gesture, EW proceeds to pick up the toy that Gi threw down and hands it to Gi. Both my mom and Gi stand there not taking the toy from her. Urghh. O.k., my mom is not strong on diplomacy. EW walks back to her side of the salon. Don't know what she thought about that scenario. At last, frazzled mommy sits in the styling chair, puts Gi on her lap and all is well again. Not one peep from screaming dynamo and self-entitled, overly made-up elderly woman. All that's left to do is to assure an annoyed 67 year old Cantonese-speaking grandmother that I have put that "old white woman who can't mind her own business" in her place. Oh, and also get a haircut!

Moral of the story: stand up for your kid even if her crying really does peel paint off the wall and shatter perfectly made glass.

Lesson for me: meltdowns do happen in very public places. Next time I witness another child's meltdown, I will be more understanding. That parent probably doesn't like it anymore than I do and is most likely doing his/her best to remedy it.


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Thank you for the tip there Ana... I don't think I could have been so diplomatic to that old over made up biddy... I am afraid that Aussie tongue of mine would let fly... take care and hugs to Gi... even if she is crying...

Anonymous said...

Wow! What a story. Ana way to go. I want to know though what movie did you pick to watch when had your haircut?! LOL

Anonymous said...

Yes, that EW should have focused on calming her granddaughter down and get her used to unexpected stressors. That's life! Kids are resilient! They can handle it!

Kim said...

You did better then I would..
Hugs girly..
Have a Great Weekend..

Anonymous said...

Dear Ana,
It's been long since I last talked to you.Gi is something.Each day she's more lovely. Congratulations.May God bless you all. I love you. Give my regards to Ronnie
auntie MH and uncle Lu