Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Friday, March 21, 2008

Little Mermaid

Well, at least that is what I hope Gi becomes, a little mermaid. Munchkin just completed her first week of aquatic survival lessons with a certified ISR instructor. I must say there is a real science to this program. With the exception of the first day, Gi has screamed like a banshee during her daily ten minute lessons. Nevertheless, she is a willing participant and is making good progress. Munch has already learned breath control and can swim with head in water a very short distance to reach the hand bar or the seahorse toy placed on the pool steps in front of her. One week down, perhaps three to five more weeks to go. Sorry no pictures at this time as I am usually very busy poolside cheering Gi on as she performs her tasks with the instructor who by the way has been wonderful with Gi so far...very patient, cheerful, persistent and even toned.

"Egg" stravaganza

Whew! Luckily, Gi was not afraid to be near Mr. Easter Bunny.

Brea and Gi waiting to enter the field for the egg hunt. Gi, as usual, is signing and saying the word, dada.

two eggs down, one more to go

found another one

Brea is generously sharing her eggs.

the three musketeers

four cutest bunnies around crowd around Auntie Sue (Sammi's auntie)

sweet Brea

decked-out Sammi


Gi observing the ducks

Gi ooo-ing and ahh-ing over her airbrush tatoo of a turtle that she got at the egg hunt.

HAPPY EASTER TO ALL OF OUR FAMILY AND FRIENDS NEAR AND FAR! Enjoy the pics of Gi's first Easter egg hunt.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sunshine and a Cool Breeze

Sammi and Gi are trying to hold hands. Gi's mouth is stuffed with cheese.

The girls ran around on this deck behind the preserve's education center.

Will toddlers ever look at the camera simultaneously?

What a great day to be outside! We met with Miss Wendy and Sammi J at a local nature preserve. Funny how the girls found the snacks to be the most interesting part of the outing. Upon leaving the preserve, Gi managed to climb into Miss Wendy's passenger side of the car and cross over to the driver side where she pretended to drive. Sammi, sitting in her carseat, found the sight hilarious. It took a little negotiation to get Gi out and moving to her own car. Well, within five minutes of being in her own carseat, Nascar Jr. was snoring her way home. Thanks to the Hawkins for a great playdate.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

You Can Play in This?

I finally broke down and bought a fairly inexpensive water table for Gi to play in. I think she didn't know what to make of it at first. Sand? Water? What am I suppose to do with this? Well, after a couple of trials, she has taken to it. She loves to dig her little hands into the wet sand. I even caught her scooping sand into her mouth! For the next few minutes, I could hear her little teeth grinding the sand particles in her mouth. Need I tell you what she did with the sandy water?

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Tantrum Free for the Moment

" Hey, Brea, did you hear about the fabulous sale at Gymboree's?"
"Well, what are we waiting for, Gi? Let's go!"

trying on Brea's sunglasses and attempting to adjust the fit

Grandma Gi

attempting to climb Mt. Tangerine

on top of the world

Brea descending Mt. Waffle

Well, Gi enjoyed a wonderful morning getting together with her buddy, Brea and her mommy and daddy. For over three hours, hubs and I did not witness even one volcanic meltdown as Gi hung out with Brea at a play area in a local mall. Both girls climbed, slid, ran and snacked while both sets of parents chatted and compared notes. Big thanks to the Van Clan for a delightful playdate.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Bubble Girl

Nothing like a warm bubble bath to transform Miss Cranky-Pants into Little Miss Sunshine.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

First Roseola Then Safari


Vroom Vroom

up close and personal with Mr. Giraffe

riding high on the ferris wheel

holding on to Daddy

All aboard, mate!

Hmm, where shall we go next?

This map is not good, Daddy.

I'll tell you where to go, Daddy.

sitting patiently but not for long

rhino power

Mommy's favorite, the elephants


Boy, did we have a tough week! Gi came down with a common fever on Wednesday and it didn't leave her till late Thursday. Luckily, the fever never became high enough nor stayed long enough to warrant a visit to the ped. Don't worry, mommies out there. I checked this out with the ped's nurse first. Then we noticed a slight rash around one corner of her mouth and on one of her cheeks. A few experienced mommies at the local playground suspect that the culprit of Gi's days of misery is roseola, a very common virus amongst toddlers. In fact most children will have come across this virus by age two. Anyway, now Gi is just going through the tail end of this by coughing and being a grump-a-lump (cranky-pants is another accurate description). So I knew that Munchkin needed some cheering-up. Well, who am I kidding? Hubs and I needed some cheering up too. A miserable toddler makes for miserable and sleepy parents! So today, we trekked our way to Lion Country Safari. A good time was had by all. The weather was absolutely beautiful. Gi got to see some wild animals up close, munch on her lunch by the flamingoes and even go on a few rides. Enjoy the pics!