"Well, what are we waiting for, Gi? Let's go!"
Well, Gi enjoyed a wonderful morning getting together with her buddy, Brea and her mommy and daddy. For over three hours, hubs and I did not witness even one volcanic meltdown as Gi hung out with Brea at a play area in a local mall. Both girls climbed, slid, ran and snacked while both sets of parents chatted and compared notes. Big thanks to the Van Clan for a delightful playdate.
Well Ana... glad there is someone else in the world who can handle Tripe... hehe... Mike wouldn't touch it and so I guess he is going to have a hard time in China with different foods... hehehe... Am I right in thinking that the jacket that Gi has on is the one I sent? Yep... I am sure it is... what a hoot... after sending it I thought that it was silly to send that since we are in Florida... but since it was so lite for a cool day... so, I am chuffed to see the little princess wearing it... hoping to get down your way soon to see you and Kristen... fingers crossed...
Gi, are you wearing hair barretts?!
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