Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Preschool Update

Well, the preschool director was right. Today when we pulled into the parking lot of the preschool, Munch opened her mouth and wailed. Her tears stopped momentarily while we walked toward the school building but once I handed her to Miss Deborah, the tear ducts let loose again. I go outside the building, peek through her classroom window and see that Miss Mama-Left-Me-Again had calmed down somewhat and is actually letting Miss Jenny soothe her. Later on, I arrive to pick her up. I peek through the window on the classroom door and see that my munch is sitting happily in a circle singing with her teacher and other little buddies. It's one o'clock. Miss Deborah opens the classroom door for dismissal, calls for Gi to come meet me and what do I get? A very weak waaah waaah from Munch and all is well again. I smother her with cheerful, sunshiney kisses and asks her about her day. All my questions were greeted with "yes." I could've asked her if Godzilla showed up on the playground today and Munch would have answered yes. Oh well, she appears to be adjusting slowly. Life is good.


Anonymous said...

Gi, are you playing your mom and pretending to be suffering?!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Glad that in the end all went well...