Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Hanging with My Bud

Miss Kim, the only human being able to put a barrett on my head.
Brea sharing her Tinkerbell cellphone

Checking out Brea's Tinkerbell cellphone

Girl talk

My buddy, Brea

Not sure if I want to wear this hat to Brea's house
The three D(s) spent a raucous evening at the Van household Saturday. "Big Sis" Brea shared her toys with Gi and even showed Gi how to use her Tinkerbell cellphone. Both girls chowed down on yummy squash, eggs and pretzels. The mommies and daddies dined on turkey lasagna a la Miss Kim. Miss Kim was actually able to put a barrett on Gi's head without much fussing from baby. We had a great time. Thank you for having us over!

1 comment:

Kim said...

Sounds like a wonderful time...
love the pictures..

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