Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Monday, June 18, 2007

My Parents and Jackass???

Goofy hubs thought it would be amusing for my parents to watch the movie, Jackass, on t.v. last night while waiting to chow. So with a mischievous glint in his eyes, he flips to the channel playing the movie while my parents sit quietly on the sofa half bored and nearly asleep. Within seconds of the movie appearing on the screen, my quiet, little, immigrant-like parents perk up as if they have just been given a shot of adrenaline. I felt for certain that my parents would find the movie disgusting, childish and a complete waste of time. NOOOO, NOOOOO, NOOOO. They were intrigued. Sure they thought it was distasteful but continued to watch the movie like someone watches a train wreck. You know it's going to be horrible but you just can't look away. Mom and Dad, welcome to one genre of American cinema!


Anonymous said...

I simply don't know what to say but wish we could have been there.

Ana said...

It was the most hilarious scene, my little Chinese parents with their eyes glued to the t.v. watching the stupidity that is Jackass.

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