Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Thursday, February 05, 2009

More Gi-berish

"Me pa-gina hurt." Munch announced this shortly after putting on her big-girl unders. Yes, we are still easing our way into potty training.

" Brea friend and Sammy very naked!" This was one of Munch's response when I asked her who her friends were.

"Me no ike goooshi." Hubs asked me if I wanted sushi for dinner. Munch promptly responded for me.

"Me no feel well." This is Gi talk for I just woke up and want to be held to my satisfaction.

"Me have boogers, Mommy." No explanations necessary.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, how did you get Gi to wear the princess hat for you?!