Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Friday, June 26, 2009


Hubs strikes again. The other night, the three of us are finishing our dinner when Hubs notices that Munch is playing like she is praying again. Mr. Iconoclast immediately seizes the opportunity to instruct her on the "proper" way to give thanks. "Gi, follow like Daddy," Hubs instructs. "Rub-a-dub thanks for the grub," he continues. Munch looks at him with giggles in her eyes and complies. "Rub dub tank yuuuu gub! Ole man." I playfully tell Munch that Daddy is not such an old man and that it's not polite to call someone old. She puts her little hands together again and says ole man once more. Hubs and I stare at each other with a bit of puzzlement. Gi eyes the both of us and echoes ole man repeatedly. Then it dawns on us that our little Munch is not obstinately insulting her daddy but rather is saying "amen." Hubs and I blow up with laughter. Gi, finding our laughter as a sure sign of approval, now replicates the phrase over and over. Hubs nods with admiration to his filial daughter and is thoroughly content that his teachings have met with such a receptive audience.


Ron said...

That is right!. I do not believe in organized religion. (Christians out there, Please do not judge me, because that would be against your religion...LOL)but I respect people's beliefs and in the freedom of religion.
OLDMEN...I mean AMEN! <|>

aunt sara said...

Good job, Gi! Always be thankful for what you have!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

That is just to cute...

Will be down in Ft Lauderdale as of tomorrow... sorry I haven't gotten in touch with you sooner...

We will get down that way again at some time...

Liz said...

Oh my God, some things never change. Ron will always be Ron. He kills me :)

Hey Ron, gotta get that Amen correct. :)