Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Mother and Munch

Here Munch is having a blast playing on her bed with galpal, Sammy.

I hope all the mommies and mommies-to-be I know had a wonderful day today. My day started out as usual with Munch waking up, bulldozing her way into our bedroom and wedging herself between Hubs and me in our bed. Not strong on subtlety, Munch announces that she is ready to play with her toys and wants EVERYONE to get out of bed. We comply and start our morning routine. Munch runs to her room to change out of her diaper and into her panties. I groggily follow her and is pleasantly surprised by a lovely red rose in Gi's outstretched hand. "Appy mommy day," whispers Gi as Hubs stands beside her beaming with pride. We continued our celebration with a little dim sum at a local Chinese restaurant. Then we came home for a little R&R. We conclude our day with a home cooked meal for Poh Poh and Gon Gon. And now Munch is fast asleep and I am not too far from that state of mind. Another year as a mother...a gift indeed.


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Happy belated mum's day... she can keep a secret :) Hugs to ya...

aunt sara said...

Yes, Happy Mother's Day! What the heck, the kids are doing belated Mother's Day worksheets this week.

big sis said...

new image technique is just "threshold" on photoshop--turns image into black and white.

Lisa said...

Finally getting around to blogging and saw Gi's new hairdo! It's gorgeous!!!!