Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Gold is King

Finally the pestering can stop.  My itty bitty Munch received her "promotion" last night in her karate class.  She is now officially a walking, sass-talking gold belt little powerhouse.  This girl is in karate heaven after weeks of drilling and grilling clueless me about the day and time of her coveted promotion.  Typical car conversation for the past two weeks:

Mommy, when will I get my gold belt?
Not for another two to three weeks, ok?
You mean tomorrow???
No, silly girl, it's going to be about 14-21 days from now.
After tomorrow?
Way after tomorrow?
Yes, kind of.
That's too long!  I want my gold belt now!  Tell Sensei Dave I want my gold belt now!
You don't just get a gold belt because you want it.  You have to earn it, work hard, pay attention.
Well, well, well...I've been working hard, Mommy!
That's right, you have been working hard and you will get your gold belt soon.
Tomorrow, Mommy?

Various forms of the above conversation ran its course in the last couple of weeks.  I'm now going to enjoy this hiatus since Munch won't be getting her next promotion until at least 24 weeks from now.

Munch celebrated her promotion with a mini ice cream cake and got a new pair of light-up sneakers.

Sensei Dave tying on the gold belt at the end of class.

Miss Goldie

1 comment:

aunt sara said...

Way to go, Gi! Soon you'll be sparring w/Uncle Mark!