Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Saturday, July 31, 2010


Is it wrong to sit quietly in your darken living room secretly savoring the quiet that surrounds you? I mean I have this silly grin on my face for no other reason then my number one Munch is NOT HERE. I am PUNK-Free tonight thanks to the fabulous Y family! Ohhh to not have to nag Sassy-Pants to eat her healthy foods, read bedtime stories, brush little teeth and wash her wiggly body...it's heavenly! I'm going to sit here for awhile more and imagine that I am that woman in the Dove chocolate commercial...with a swath of satin sheet wrapped around me while soothing wind blows through my hair. Mommyhood sure has its unexpected moments and this is one of them.


Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

No, it is not a bad thing that you are enjoying the silence... I will admit that when Shauna was napping today... it was heavenly... as much as I love it with Shauna... I also do like that little 'time out' for myself... for now though, it is just a little far and few between...

aunt sara said...

OK, did you break into song and dance?!!