Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Have You Ukulele Lately?

For the past several weeks Munch has been asking for a guitar. I would listen to her repeated requests skeptically knowing full well the short life span of interest any three year old holds for any particular object. Luckily my good friend, Jessica, is a seasoned music teacher. So I went to her for some much needed advice or rather answers to some nagging questions. Should I buy a guitar for her? If so does she need lessons? How much of an investment? Is this just a passing phase? What should I do? Is it realistic for a three year old to play a guitar? I mean I don't want to be that mom that stiffles or ignores a budding interest in music, right? After a bit of hand-holding and reassurances, Auntie Jessie steers us to the often under appreciated but delightful ukulele. We walk into Chafin Music and immediately spot a display of ukuleles in different vibrant colors. The stars are aligned because there is a pink ukulele which Munch ooos and ahhs over. Auntie Jessie has Gi try out the instrument. It is the perfect size for mighty Munch. Gi assures me that she wants this "guitar." So $47 later, we drive home with a brand new pink ukulele. I'm relieved. I didn't have to spend a fortune to support Gi's musical fancy whether passing or not. And even if it were a short lived fancy, Auntie Jessie points out the permenancy of instruments when well taken care of. Well, Auntie Jessie, thank you for taking care of us. Munch walks around the house plucking away to her heart's content now. No music lessons required just yet. Auntie Jessie wants Munch to just enjoy the uk for now. As for Mommy, that's a different story. I do appreciate the homework assignment Auntie Jessie has given me, really. I have Hot Cross Buns almost mastered now and even attempt to play it for Gi occasionally when Munch is not demanding that she show me how "it's done" on the uk.


Sammy Pajammy said...

Love it. Can't wait to hear her first concert. My guess Samantha will want one next. W

aunt sara said...

They actually make a pink ukele?!! That's great, Gi! Hope you can entertain the family while road tripping!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

Shauna has one of those already :) I bought it when we were in Hawaii a few years ago... it is red... you play away Miss Gi...