Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Friday, April 24, 2009

Miss Sassy Pants

Well, I hate to say it or even think it but my baby Munch is growing up (sniff, sniff). Munch has a case of serious, full-blown, incurable independentitis.

"Me do it!"

"Me can do it!"

"Go away now!" (When Hubs and I tell her that this is rude to say, she just adds please at the end of the command)

"Babies wear diaper. Me big girl now! Me wear big girl underwear."

"Me use big girl potty." Yes, we finally bid a ceremonial farewell to the little potty last night.

"Ook at me. Me princess now."

These are some of the more common proclamations we hear from Gi day in and day out. Miss Sassy Pants insists on doing most things by herself now. When we shower with her, she demands to soap and rinse herself. Forget about helping her to eat...she ain't gonna have any of that business. Munch goes through about 10 changes of clothing a day endlessly opening her drawers and closet looking for different pieces of clothing to wear for a few nano seconds. Her favorite change of clothing is her underwear. If she is silent and in her room, you can bet that she is rummaging through her underwear drawer looking for her next princess underwear to try on. When we have to use a public toilet, she doesn't want Mommy or Daddy to hold her in place anymore. A new habit of hers is to tell Hubs and I how we are driving. She's like a back carseat driver critiquing our turns, speed and position of our hands on the steering wheel. And she has deemed the stroller obsolete refusing to get in unless threatened with the dreaded time-out. Oh boy, what's next!?


Kim said...

Love the swimsuits..
Gi is tooo cute..
Have a great weekend..

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

You mean I have all this to look forward to????

aunt sara said...

Gi, can you wear your Brazilian bikini yet?

Joe Lydia said...

That´s my girl.....

She´s a Leo..!!

See you all, soon.

A big kiss to her..

Joe & Lydia

Amy said...

Too funny - The princess comment is great! :)