Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Friday, July 25, 2008

I'm Too Sexy for My Pants

amusing herself

Gon-Gon looks on as Munch twirls and sings her way to dizziness.

round and round we go

The backless look must be in style now.

Auntie Sara, once again, captured some candid shots of Munch at Po-Po's house. After having her poopy diaper changed, Gi refused to put her pants back on. Instead she chose a knitted scarf that Po-Po made and insisted that we wrap it around her waist. Then she proceeded to do her twirly dance in the living room accompanied by her own loud incoherent singing. What a sight! None of the adults in the room could stop laughing.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Love the dancing...
Gigi is way to sexy for her pants...
Have a Great Day..