Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Reflections on 20

This week my munch turned 20 months. Can it be??? Is it possible that her 2nd birthday will creep up on us in four months??? The cliche that time flies is sooo true. Gi entered our lives at eleven months and soon she will turn two. It feels quite surreal to hubs and me. As a new parent, everything that Gi does or accomplishes is amazing to me. She has finally broke the 20lb mark (yippee!). Her hair is getting longer and fuller. Gi's chubby-cheeked face is maturing and gaining character. Her eyes twinkle with mischief. My munch runs clumsily with her arms out to her sides. This sight never fails to put a giggle in me. She attempts to jump and skip and does a really cute one-shoulder dance (kinda like Elaine on Seinfeld). She now babbles confidently and uses a number of one-syllable words and signs to communicate with her greenhorn parents.

Some Examples:

dada (daddy)

baba (that would be me, her MaMa)

joos (juice)

feeeesh (fish)

cookues (cookies)

fleese (please)

mar (more)

seees (cheese)

caaa (car)

mil (milk)

gon gon (maternal grandfather)

po po (maternal grandmother)

vu vu (paternal grandparents)

ock (socks)

ooose (shoes)

eeeeaaat (eat)

booo (book)

eeeeaaad (read)

buuuh (up)

ma ma ma ma (music)

duh duh (down)

dak (dog)

fay fay (Fifi, our dog)

bir (bird)

bah (bath)

teeee (brushing teeth)

Geee Geee (usually said with two index fingers pointing to herself)

Munch has also shown that she understands Cantonese spoken by my mom and myself. Hubs is slowly interjecting Portuguese. When Gi passes gas or burps, a smile slowly lights up her face as she utters her own name for everyone to hear. I think she acquired that trait from hubs. Everyday Gi shows us that she is a marvelously interesting, strong, loving and happy tot. How did hubs and I get so lucky? Life is good.


Kim said...

Happy 20 Months...
She is sooo pretty..
Have a Great Week..
LOVE the picture..

Ray said...

Trilingual - how neat! And if she knows Portuguese Spanish will be easy. My daughter is also trilingual Mandarin, Taiwanese, and English.

We got a lot of brownie points with a supplier who asked her what she was, and she replied in Taiwanese, she was Taiwanese. As a result my daughter got a big Rain Bow Fish stuffed animal as a gift from the supplier.

Ray, owner
ChildBook.com Learning Chinese & Culture Books and DVD's

Anonymous said...

Wonderful! I'm glad that Gi is exposed to 3 languages!

Fliss and Mike Adventures said...

That is to funny... I am wondering what Shauna will be like when we get her... an Aussie accent, American accent and Sicilian grandparents in the same house... as long as it isn't the bad words... take care