Mighty Munch

Mighty Munch

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Another Installment of Ronisms

One day I shall make millions off hubs with his attempts to master the finer points of the English language. He keeps me smiling every day. Test your linguistic IQ by deciphering what my hubby is trying to say. Answers provided at the bottom. No cheating! ;-)


1. coughing cream
2. judy dudy
3. Go blow up your nose!
4. one man hit
5. habachabee
6. I have been officially decontaminated!
7. black iron smith
8. doob

1. coffee & cream liquour
2. jury duty
3. go blow your nose (This was shouted at me when hubs got tired of my sniffling nose.)
4. one hit wonder (Hubs disdainfully referring to a singer he saw on tv.)
5. haberdashery (spelling?) (Hubs was walking around the house imitating this ostentatious doctor we overheard at a Brooks Brothers store in the mall. The doctor was loudly informing the sales girl that he goes to the same haberdashery as George Bush senior in D.C.)
6. I'm finished bathing.
7. Black Sabbath, the rock band
8. dub (as in a movie that has been translated into English)


Anonymous said...

Consider submitting these to SSTESOL or big TESOL for publication!

Ana said...

Hey, Sis,
I never thought of that. That might actually be a good idea. Sis

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