Whew! Looks like TS Chris won't even come near Palm Beach County, at least according to the NOAA website, my favorite hurricane tracking source. I was dreading having to convince hubs to put up the shutters. He'd rather be strapped in a torture device a la Spanish Inquisition. What is it about the male species that like to defy the forces of Mother Nature? The last time hubs convinced me that shutters didn't need to go up, we both nearly wet our pants watching Wilma take down our pool enclosure beam by beam. This year I have a plan. Yes, an incentive program for hubs. Something he cannot refuse. Something to get those keyboard typing hands loving the feel of heavy steel shutters. I was thinking a job well done without excessive whining or male posturing could be rewarded with a. unlimited trips to the tool department at Home Depot b. no dishwashing for a good month c. nightly "alone" time with his mistress (his computer) without spousal interference or d. the opportunity to rack up enough points to get a new car (one point awarded for each hurricane in which shutters have been put up). Oh, BTW, he has to accumulate 100 points for me to co-sign. But we don't need to let him know about that minor detail or fine print as some would say. Wish me luck!